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09/29/2002: Bajaj Orang bilang ada dua
Bajaj Orang bilang ada dua hal yang selalu jadi misteri di dunia ini, yaitu jodoh dan kematian. Gak banyak orang yang bisa meramal kedua hal tersebut, dan menyerahkannya pada waktu untuk mendapat jawabannya. Tapi buat gue yang tinggal di Jakarta... (Panjang entry: 325 kata)

09/26/2002: Nothing Else Matters I heard
Nothing Else Matters I heard this old song of Metallica yesterday morning from radio. This is the first and maybe the only melancholy song they've ever made. The slow and calm melody with string arrangement so tranquil. It's really different... (Panjang entry: 183 kata)

09/24/2002: Flu Gue kena flu beberapa
Flu Gue kena flu beberapa hari belakangan ini. It's really annoying. Flu memang penyakit sepele, semua orang pasti pernah mengalaminya. Maybe in average tiap orang kena flu sekali dalam setahunnya. Apalagi di pergantian musim yang cuacanya gak enak banget seperti... (Panjang entry: 314 kata)

09/18/2002: What's the Story Morning Glory?
What's the Story Morning Glory? I got this message in my inbox this morning when I checked it. What's the story morning glory? hmmm... Morning in Jakarta in the weekdays no such an interesting morning maybe. Just full of rutinitas... (Panjang entry: 268 kata)

09/16/2002: Children Your children are not
Children Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you... (Kahlil Gibran... (Panjang entry: 291 kata)

09/12/2002: Wild Thought Two weeks ago
Wild Thought Two weeks ago I stopped by Lapak Buku at gang stasiun. At first scanning and browsing the books, lumayan banyak yang baru. I love visiting this place, cause Si Mas yang jualan bukunya ramah. And he always suggest... (Panjang entry: 343 kata)

09/09/2002: This is some kind of
This is some kind of math trick, actually it's a really old and simple trick. What's wrong with this equation? Just a little intermezzo for today... ..., Ughh... this heavy workload killing me...... (Panjang entry: 33 kata)

09/06/2002: Happy Birthday Nunique!
Happy Birthday Nunique!... (Panjang entry: 4 kata)

09/05/2002: Secrets Why people always keep
Secrets Why people always keep their secrets? Everyone must have any secrets in their life, either men or women. We always hide some parts of our life to other person. Kadang rahasia-rahasia itu cuma disembunyikan terhadap orang-orang tertentu. Ada yang... (Panjang entry: 262 kata)

09/02/2002: Nurani
Heart dalam bahasa Inggris sering diterjemahkan sebagai hati atau jantung dalam bahasa Indonesia. Selalu digambarkan sebagai benda merah, dipakai sebagai lambang cinta kasih. Sebenarnya itu adalah perwujudan bentuk dari jantung, yang terletak di rongga dada manusia, dan berdetak sebagai pusat... (Panjang entry: 222 kata)