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Wednesday | 4 June 2003
Silly Conversation Do you think

Silly Conversation

Do you think stars could kiss?

Mmm... I do believe that stars could love. In fact, love is in every creatures. They don't hate. Only human could hate.

So maybe stars should learn to kiss?

No, they don't have to. Cause they've got love. Love is the power, the energy that could do anything. Love will do smile, laugh, kiss, fly, cry, even love could do hate sometimes.

So, don't learn to kiss, but learn to love. Cause if you got love, you'll know how to kiss. I'm sure stars do kiss by their own way.


Next question?

mmm... *naughty face* do stars having sex?

I don't know that. But porn stars do. :p

June 4, 2003 9:08 AM
Sudah ada 54 comment (kasih comment?)
1. | 23:16 on 3 June 2003 | by lindie

aku pertama bukan nih?? hihi...

first of all, a star isnt really a creature is it? no feelings, no gender, doesnt even have liquid right? eheueheeueh...kenapa nih ly? kelamaan liat bintang kesambet kayaknya... :p but hey, use your imagination and be creative, cek out my blog, mirip euy! ;)

2. | 23:40 on 3 June 2003 | by c'est la vie

bener2x silly conv :lol:

3. | 00:25 on 4 June 2003 | by iqbal

pornstars don't do sex ..
they are acting ..
it's their job ..


4. | 01:19 on 4 June 2003 | by mpeb

is that really .. really your convey?

iqbal : masa' sih porn stars g do sex? kerjaan mereka aja acting to have sex, boong banget klo mrk g do sex. right? ^^

seriously .. ngobrol ma sapa, ly? heiheiehuieh .. ;p

5. | 01:38 on 4 June 2003 | by dwi


6. | 05:36 on 4 June 2003 | by erly

to lindie: Yea, i always use my imagination, that stars could talk, could hear, could sing, could play basketball, or watch mtv :p

to c'est la vie: Hehehe... that's life :p

to iqbal: But they do having sex kan? Walaupun niatnya kerja... :p

to mpeb: Ah mpeb mau tau aja nih.... itu saya lagi ngobrol sama orang yang kerjanya nanyaaa melulu...

to dwi: :p

7. | 06:23 on 4 June 2003 | by darilangit

Love is the power, the energy that could do anything. Love will do smile, laugh, kiss, fly, cry, even love could do hate sometimes.

bener banget!


8. | 06:27 on 4 June 2003 | by darilangit

(ps: tadi kepencet submit .. ini tambahan aja)

bintang bisa ciuman koq.
my last gf was "Bint*ng"

sure she's one of goddamn kisser! no questions ask..

9. | 06:27 on 4 June 2003 | by DiscHo

Wow.... bagus euy.... beneran.. keren lah... add-in alamat gue donk... hehehe.... My Blogger

Thanks yah? Sepertinya gue harus belajar banyak dari kamu, abisan HTML gue pas2an... :)

10. | 06:45 on 4 June 2003 | by nita

Kebanyakan baca blognya Obin ya ly?

Neenoy pasti seneng baca postingan kamu ini :)

11. | 08:16 on 4 June 2003 | by pelacur

wawwww...... amazed!!!
do want some kiss erly?
choose me! choose me! i have smooth tongue.. u will ask for more.. promise!!
(pelacur banget ga sihhhhh!!)

12. | 09:49 on 4 June 2003 | by pipit

hehehe, postingan yang ini "erly banget" deh :p

13. | 10:26 on 4 June 2003 | by obey

stars learn how to love, pelajaran ini mencakup juga 'learn how to kiss' then if they decided to have sex...well...mmm...ya udah gede pan?dah bisa tanggung jawab ama perbuatan sendiri heuheuheu

14. | 11:42 on 4 June 2003 | by sLesTa

hueahhaah.. kocak banget!! tapi gue setuju ama balski.. but then again.. if stars know love, they should know how to make love.. *wink*

15. | 19:51 on 4 June 2003 | by mpeb

i love stars .. *sigh* ..

and it's a very nice things cause i could see lot of stars here .. ^^

16. | 21:06 on 4 June 2003 | by ponc

kiss --> sex ?? sex --> kiss ?? what a different ??
i think thats is equal!!

17. | 21:25 on 4 June 2003 | by Lacsar

What is the meaning of this?
And the stars look down
What are you trying to do?
And the stars look down
Was it something I said?
And the stars look down
Something you'd like me to do?
And the stars look down

The stars look down

by Rush - ofkoz :)

18. | 22:43 on 4 June 2003 | by erly

to darilangit: Hehehe... Kalo bintang is a goddamn good kisser, bulan gimana?

to discho: Hey, thanks a lot for visitng here... udah liat site kamu, keren gitu kok :p Malah minder saya...

to nita: Lha, si obin masalah s*x? ;p

to pelacur: Want some kiss? Well, let's get in the line girl... :p

to nukov: Well, i don't know about the other stars, at least they not doing it taped... hihihi

to pipit: Emangnya keliatan dari mana pit "erly"nya? :)

to obey: Nah nah... ini yang susah bey, tanggung jawab... gak semua orang kalo udah gede lantasa bisa bertanggung jawab lho... Tanggung jawab kan gak semudah masak indomie?

to slesta: Hmm.. tergantung nih, stars-nya udah dewasa belum?

to mpeb: Iya... tadi malam langit cerah dan banyak bintang ditambah bulan sabit :)

to ponc: It depends on the way you kiss :) Could be love, could be lust... :)

to lacsar: I think you're gonna be a rockstar someday dude...

*peace... peace ya semua...* :)

19. | 22:45 on 4 June 2003 | by Ninit


then Erly wants to be a porn star, maybe ? ;-)

20. | 23:06 on 4 June 2003 | by Ren

That's why I don't do sex,I am not a porn star seh!

21. | 23:37 on 4 June 2003 | by harris

there's nothing silly about love conversation.. hemmhh.. i'm the silly one.. :)

22. | 00:35 on 5 June 2003 | by erly

to ninit: Itu cita-cita waktu masih kecil... sekarang udah gede maunya jadi presiden ajah... doain ya...

to ren: So what kind of star you'd choose to be? :p

to harris: There's no silly about love, but you think you're silly... so you need love bro :p find love yah, tapi jangan make love dulu... hihihi...

23. | 01:15 on 5 June 2003 | by DiscHo

Wow.. thanks yah udah pernah mengunjungi blogger gue.. tapi gue bukan mau ultah. Tapi mo nikah!! Makanya itu gue tegang abissssssshhhhhh

Warm regards and thanks

24. | 01:34 on 5 June 2003 | by nasgorkam

porn stars do ! gagagagaga

25. | 02:10 on 5 June 2003 | by VespagirL

ayo oom erly ternyata ga dateng ke gath di puncak sibuk suting yah? pelem apa bang? porn? :P

26. | 03:16 on 5 June 2003 | by lontar

wah temanya lagi seputar itu ya?...

27. | 03:56 on 5 June 2003 | by Lacsar

No, they don't have to. Cause they've got love. Love is the power, the energy that could do anything. Love will do smile, laugh, kiss, fly, cry, even love could do hate sometimes.

wah, bang Erly, agak beda nih ama liriknya Rush berikut:
There is never love without pain
Life is a power that remains

-- Secret Touch from album Vapor Trails

28. | 04:10 on 5 June 2003 | by bLub

jangan ngomong2 soal kiss ah. Dah kering nih bibir oiaehioaehoiaehioae

29. | 04:15 on 5 June 2003 | by ciphie

nomor 30.............

30. | 04:17 on 5 June 2003 | by si aip

tiga satu! :)

31. | 04:20 on 5 June 2003 | by enda

If a picture paints a thousand words
Then why can't I paint you
The words will never show
The you I've come to know

if a star could kiss.. a thosand nights
Then why can't I find you
Our life will finally show
For both me and you...

bait keduanya ngarang.. heheheheh..

32. | 04:50 on 5 June 2003 | by erly

to discho: eh eh... selamet dooongg... jangan tegang, mau married mah harusnya ketawa2, hehehe...

to nasgorkam: Hush... Itu ketawa ngakaknya kok gagagaga? :p

to vespagirl: Wah saya gak bisa bilang apa-apa deh.... Nanti keluar lagi versi vcd Bella Safira vs erly, huehuheuheu...

to lontar: Itu-nya yang mana nih?

to lacsar: Hmm... Tapi kan life butuh power... ah saya jadi gak mau dengar rush lagi ah... :p

to blub: Tenang... tenang... Nanti saya kasih air aqua buat basahin bibir mau? lho kok air aqua? hihihi...

to ciphie & aip: Oke, sudah bisa berhitung, pelajaran berikutnya hapalkan perkalian ya...

to enda: Saya lebih suka nyanyi lagu "bintang kecil" aja boleh gak om? Habis om ngarang lagunya garink sih... *peace... peace...* :p

33. | 05:48 on 5 June 2003 | by neenoy

yeah... my star could kiss me. and i do hope my star love me too.

my star's having sex? now? over my dead body!!! :P

34. | 06:02 on 5 June 2003 | by Lacsar

hehe iya, bang Erly benar kok, tapi kalo menurut lagu Rush itu, justru ketika love dan bintang2 meninggalkan kita, maka life itulah satu2nya power yang tersisa, seperti postingnya Ninit & Adit, sampai kita menemukan lagi love dan bintang lainnya

walah, itu kalimat mani panjang pisan, gak ono titik satupun :p

35. | 09:02 on 5 June 2003 | by finia

hhahaha porn stars do kiss! hahahah pinter banget pinter...:P

36. | 10:11 on 5 June 2003 | by Vee

Wahh.. bingung neh.. :P apaan yah?

37. | 20:38 on 5 June 2003 | by aban

a simple question with a simple answer too...just don't learn to have sex, but learn to make love...I'm sure that stars will be ready to have sex with you...btw... url ini kok gak di-link sih hehehe....

38. | 22:02 on 5 June 2003 | by morningdew

Horny porny, EB? ;)

39. | 22:04 on 5 June 2003 | by lontar

itunya yang porn stars do like kisses.. :D

40. | 22:50 on 5 June 2003 | by erly

to neenoy: Mmm.... sorry i dont' understand what you're saying.... Having sex over a dead body? o'oww... that would be so damn cruel ma'am.... hihihihi.... *peace dulu ah...*

to lacsar: Is that mean that don't try to persued love and passion, but just live the hard life, cause someday love would after you...? Eleuh kok ini kalimat juga jadi panjang?

to finia: Hehehe.... but not all who do kiss are porn star, rite? ;p

to vee: Aduh vee... saya suka kasian kamu kalo ke sini sering pusing2, bingung.... mungkin lain kali kamu musti sarapan dulu sebelum ke sini ya... hehehe... *peace lagi ah...*

to aban: See that? Everyone always have their own opinions about this, and it's always debatable... :) Thanks ban... :)

to morningdew: Sounds like a song from toto huh? :p

to lontar: Itu maksudnya bibir kan? Btw, saya pernah loh hampir di kiss sama bajaj, heuheuheu....

41. | 22:58 on 5 June 2003 | by snydez

huyahahhahah aha

no koment ahhh.. HHAHHAHHHAHH

42. | 00:29 on 6 June 2003 | by hanzky

hihi..pertama tamanya ngomongin bintang..tau2 kok jadi porn star sih..bisa aja deh basa basinya....hihi..langsung to the point dong besok2...hehehe...

43. | 01:05 on 6 June 2003 | by raitter

kissin mwa mwa... dower de lama" kangen...!!!.. yg pasti sih engga ma erly..weQ

44. | 01:55 on 6 June 2003 | by reena


45. | 02:37 on 6 June 2003 | by Lacsar

no.. no... not like that, Bang. When love left you, you still got life, and then you can find new love with that power. Life, it's all that matter. :)

naha jadi dibahas hhehe

46. | 03:45 on 6 June 2003 | by erly

to snydez: Aduh bang... ketawanya jangan keras2... itu mulut bukanya lebar banget... hihihi...

to hanzky: Ya maklum deh hanz... orang indonesia memang terkenal biangnya basa-basi :p

to raitter: Kirain kangen sama saya....kangen dooongg...

to reena: Want some cough medicine? ehehehe... ehem..

to lacsar: Yak, saya juga setuju itu bang lacs... :) Anda memang benar2 sudah makan asam garam kehidupan... *peace....*

47. | 14:38 on 6 June 2003 | by krisna

cinta...such a mysterious thing to talk about...can't live with or without it...

48. | 23:43 on 6 June 2003 | by pipit

the "do stars having sex" thang is "erly banget"... hehehehe

49. | 00:05 on 8 June 2003 | by arb3i

hahahaha...awal2nya sih alim2 kalem gituw...
ehh terakhirnya betanduk :D heheheh

quoting pipit: "the "do stars having sex" thang is "erly banget"... hehehehe"

---nicely put, girl :D
heheheeheheh...piz yach mas... ;)

50. | 02:16 on 8 June 2003 | by harris

hemmhh.. kayaknya mulai ga 'silly' lagi deh ogut mulai sekarang.. hehehehe..

51. | 03:26 on 8 June 2003 | by mia

wuah... udah lama gak mampir, sekalinya mampir toipiknya... hihihi

52. | 08:44 on 8 June 2003 | by rani

how about love without sex and kiss?
munafik? :p

hi er, apa kabar?

53. | 09:21 on 8 June 2003 | by ndoey cakep

buset, telat bgt yah gw komen skg?? anyway, i wanna be a star.. any kind of star, as long as it's not a porn star.. huh!

54. | 23:42 on 8 June 2003 | by erly

to krisna: Hmm... jadi keingat lagunya U2... With or Without You... eh gak ada hubungannya ya? :p

to pipit: Huhuhu... jadi malu.... :)

to arb3i: Kompakan nih sama pipit? ;p Padahal saya udah berusaha sebaik-baiknya menyembunyikan tanduk tapi tetap aja kelihatan yah? hehehe...

to harris: Nah nah... gitu doong ada kemajuan... gak papa kok doing silly thing sometimes, asal jangan terus2in feel silly... :)

to mia: Iya.. mia kemana aja nih? Jalan-jalan melulu ya? :)

to rani: I don't know that, let love it self show you the answer... :)

to ndoey cakep: Didoain deh... mudah2an suatu saat kamu bisa jadi star, tapi kalo udah jadi star jangan lupa sama saya ya... hihihi....